Erich Mendelssohn's non-conformist approach to Architecture, against Neri Oxman's theories of 'emergence' in that nature doesn't offer forms, but processes.
Electroliquid Aggregation:
'Emergence' refers to the notions posed by Neri Oxman: that is, that rather than 'intellectual' or structural design, natural processes and materials are what's needed to continue advancing printing technologies and Architectural design. 'How can a product grow rather than be assembled? How can we make materials adapt to environments as animals do to the kingdom?'
Although Mendelssohn's Architecture ultimately appears to be in conflict with Oxman's ideas, his attitude reflects something noticeably similar. His non-conformist approach (particularly in such a conflicted, constrained context) compliments Oxman's theories and overall approach.
Therefore instead of conflicting with each other, the two monuments rather compliment each other. Finding the similarities are easier than finding their differences. Because of this, a consistent idea is created from the two: to not conform is to grow.