Monday, 27 May 2013

Week 3 Drafts

In SketchUp:

Top view

Side view

In CryEngine:

Top/Larger View


Monday, 20 May 2013


Original Plan: Frank Gehry's Bilbao Guggenheim

I chose this plan because I believe it accurately reflects my theory of "Paperless Architecture" (Paper is Dead). To  me, the central configuration of a more traditional, angular plan represents 'old architecture',  and it is this reason that I would place the academics, and any space that is connected to the academic way of life (i.e. Library), within these prisms. The way in which the rather unconventional shapes engulf and distract from these rigid figures, support my idea that software design is taking over the industry, and this is why the younger generation of students would be placed within these figures. 

Possible spaces (not final modification):

Elevator Fraps

Fraps showing first-person perspectives at different points of the ride, and different views seen from the elevator.




Monday, 13 May 2013

Article Mashup

Chosen faculty: Architectural Computing
Reflecting on Greg Lynn's theory of the "Paperless Studio."

When it comes to the process of creating buildings themselves, the industry works its way through huge amounts of paper. Buildings are no longer just designed visually and spatially; they are “computed” via interconnected databases. In architecture we talk about space and form, and the computer is transforming every aspect of how architects are able to work, from sketching their first impressions of an idea to creating complex construction documents. By taking drawings into the 3-D, it allows one to layer a drawing on top of another, building on what they have drawn before and, again, creating a personal, emotional connection with the work. Not only do software systems “amount to considerable savings in the construction process,” but it allows designers of the environment, and architects, to consider the experience and meaning of the building. Gehry hopes that this increased efficiency can show an alternative, less wasteful way to produce architecture. He cites how education systems can improve simply by providing software systems. “My dream is to do buildings paperless. And it can be done”, he says.


Stott , Rory. "Gehry’s Software Enters the Cloud, Promotes Paperless Construction" 16 Apr 2013. ArchDaily. Accessed 13 May 2013.

Graves, Michael. “Architecture and the Lost Art of Drawing” September 1, 2012. Princeton, NJ. ArchDaily. Accessed 11 May 2013,

Vinnitskaya , Irina. "TED Talk: Why Architects Need to Use their Ears / Julian Treasure" 28 Sep 2012. ArchDaily. Accessed 11 May 2013.

Sunday, 12 May 2013

Inspired Environment

Born in Del Rio-San Antonio, Texas, I decided to base my CryEngine environment on one of my favourite Coen Brothers movies: No Country for Old Men. Although the film is set in West Texas, it was predominantly shot in the deserted outskirts of south-central Texas, including my home town.

See 0:11

See 0:18

Possible alternatives?

Monday, 6 May 2013

Axonometrics in Sketchup


Drawings used and Electroliquid Aggregation

Erich Mendelssohn's non-conformist approach to Architecture, against Neri Oxman's theories of 'emergence' in that nature doesn't offer forms, but processes.
Electroliquid Aggregation: 
'Emergence' refers to the notions posed by Neri Oxman: that is, that rather than 'intellectual' or structural design, natural processes and materials are what's needed to continue advancing printing technologies and Architectural design. 'How can a product grow rather than be assembled? How can we make materials adapt to environments as animals do to the kingdom?'
Although Mendelssohn's Architecture ultimately appears to be in conflict with Oxman's ideas, his attitude reflects something noticeably similar. His non-conformist approach (particularly in such a conflicted, constrained context) compliments Oxman's theories and overall approach.
Therefore instead of conflicting with each other, the two monuments rather compliment each other. Finding the similarities are easier than finding their differences. Because of this, a consistent idea is created from the two: to not conform is to grow.

36 Textures


18 Axonometrics

Neri Oxman: Separation of Elements

Erich Mendelssohn: Dynamism

Above combined
Neri Oxman: Living structures

Erich Mendelssohn: Expressionism

Above combined
Erich Mendelssohn: Non-conformist

Neri Oxman: Emergence

Above combined